Asian Express Hong Kong have recently delivered a 20-foot container (20 cbm) to a village house in Lamma Island, an outlying island where delivery can only be done by sea

Asian Express Hong Kong have recently delivered a 20-foot container (20 cbm) to a village house in Lamma Island, an outlying island where delivery can only be done by sea. The container had to be unloaded at our warehouse for temporary storage pending delivery.

After checking the weather and scheduling the boats and necessary equipment the shipment was shuttled by trucks from our warehouse to the pier for delivery through to Lamma Island. As you’ll see on the attached map it is a fair distance from Hong Kong – a good 80 minutes boat-ride. Luckily we had fine weather, blue skies and little wind to content with and the trip across was thankfully uneventful !! Upon arrival all items were unloaded from the boats onto the pier and then re-loaded onto small shuttle carts which travelled up hill and down dale through small country lanes for some 15 minutes to get to the client’s residence. When the items arrived at the home every item had to be carried up very narrow staircases with five oversized items needing to be hoisted over the balcony to get them into the home.

  Last updated: February 2, 2019